September 28, 2022
Dimensioning Systems
October 24, 2023
Movable GROW Vertical Racking
The ActivRAC® 3M Mobilized Storage System was designed in response to indoor agriculture growers’ need for robust movable vertical racking systems. The low-profile carriage moves along rails installed on top or into the floor to eliminate wasted aisle space and provide full accessibility to every plant.
Robust Yet Flexible |
Sturdy, cross-braced carriages are designed to accommodate new or existing light-duty racking or shelving, including Spacesaver’s Widespan GROW. Gain flexibility with the ability to expand, move over flat but non-level floors, or reconfigure the system by utilizing a myriad of Spacesaver accessories including the new GROW Crosswalk.

Standard Features
3,000 lbs. capacity per carriage/wheel section
System can extend up to 60’ long
Ergonomic handle moves thousands of pounds with minimal effort
Designed to work with new or existing racking or shelving, including Widespan GROW
User-activated anti-roll safety lock prevents unexpected carriage movement
Diagonal carriage bracing maintains precision over years of frequent use

Helping the Experts in Growing to Grow More |
Efficient & Cost-EffectiveRail-mounted racking allows shelves to move back and forth to take full advantage of floor space.
Room to Work SafelyWider aisles allow workers to comfortably access plants and work together, while mobile racking with no pinch points allows them to safely move thousands of pounds with ease. |
Grow White to Grow RightSpacesaver’s GROW White Paint is designed to withstand UV exposure in human environments, provide:.

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