Fast action Doors
April 24, 2018
Museum Storage
May 8, 2018
Vehicle Restraints
The original Dok-Lok® Vehicle Restraint was introduced on April 22, 1980 – marking the launch of an industry that would fundamentally improve employee safety and productivity; increase product security; and reduce equipment damage at the loading dock. The undertaking was inspired by a critical need to safely secure trailers to the loading dock – and that mission continues. Our designs are always evolving to meet changes and challenges at the loading dock – trailer design, loading dock design, and regulatory compliance to name a few.

Global Wheel-Lok Restraints |
The Global Wheel-Lok (trailer wheel lock) restraint automatically engages the trailer's rear tire with one 20" (0.51 m) barrier to provide safe engagement of virtually all trailer types.
GWL-Features and Benefits
The ThinMan Truck Leveler/Global Wheel-Lok Vehicle Restraint system increases productivity with full, unobstructed access to virtually any trailer and load.
Z-Deck Truck Leveler
The Z-DeckTM Truck Leveler's unique design improves safety and productivity with full-width access to any load.Unique, z-shaped deck helps minimize the slope of the lifting surface, keeping tires even and reducing the opportunity for trailers to move away from the dock.
Wheel Risers
Wheel risers provide a cost-effective solution to maximize loading dock capabilities and increase productivity, without costly pits or building construction.
Unique bridge design provides smooth operation regardless of trailer axle position by matching trailer bed height to loading dock floor, while allowing water to flow underneath.

Dok-Lok Shadow Hook Restraint |
Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint is the industry's premium trailer restraint, offering the highest level of safety and performance with a unique rotating hook design.
Shadow Hook Restraint Features and Benefits
Adds an additional layer of safety by securing intermodal containers or trailers with rear impact guard obstructions.
Automatic re-fire if the hook is not properly engaged.
Consistent contact, securing RIG or ICC bar.
Mounted above ground away from dirt, debris, snow, ice, and standing water.
Dok-Lok vehicle restraints can physically enhance security at a facility when linked with an active building security system. If an engaged restraint is tampered with, the building security system is notified and facility protocol is followed.
Vertical Barrier Restraints |
Vertical Barrier Restraints provide solid, dependable upward pressure to rear impact guards, helping to address the most common trailer separation accidents – early departure and trailer creep. The trailer restraints are designed to secure a semi-trailer to a loading dock by engaging the trailer's rear impact guard RIG with a large, vertical barrier.
Features and Benefits
Truck presence bar is depressed upon positive engagement with RIG signaling safe engagement.
Exclusive mag res switch design will not come out of adjustment insuring proper communication when engaged or disengaged.
Hydraulic cylinder powers the restraint into position.
Mechanical springs provide constant contact and float with RIG while loading/unloading.
4.25" (108 mm) high barrier with reverse taper design provides the highest and widest coverage on RIG's.
Zinc-plated for all-weather durability.

United Arab Emirates
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