Clean shoe soles
October 19, 2016
December 17, 2016
Wheel cleaning system
Material & employee movement naturally carries in dirt & wet. Everyday activity such as unloading from a delivery truck, entry of material handling devices or even your workforce entering the facility will generate a build-up of dirt, debris, wet and dust from tyres, wheels & footwear. The next set of movement of vehicles or employee takes the dirt further and deeper into your storage and production areas causing unnecessary issues!
Tyre cleaning for all industries |
Loc8 - ProfilGate® is a solution for overall cleanliness throughout industries. The patented cleaning system is about creating clean walking and driving zones that are either embedded in the floors or above ground for lift trucks, forklifts or driverless transportation systems and people. Cleaning of tyres, wheels and casters as well as the soles of employees shoe's take place when driving or walking over the areas. The patented brush strips clean dry or wet and can also be used with optional disinfection solutions.
Employee Footwear |
The deep tread of work footwear means a greater amount of dirt & debris is carried into a facility. Anti-slip traction capabilities of the tread are rendered useless if full of dirt & debris. ProfilGate automatically removes dirt & debris without changing human behaviour & is 100% unavoidable. One client removes 23KG of dirt & debris per week!.

Material Handling Devices |
The constant movement of materials carries in significant amounts of dirt, debris & wet. Airborne dust is generated by constantly grinding the dirt with every wheeled movement. Automatically cleaning the wheels at the point of entry eliminates unnecessary dirt, debris & wet entering a facility thus avoiding airborne dust.
Contamination Control |
Product contamination means different things to different industries. The one thing they all have in common is the need to avoid physical contamination such as dirt, debris & dust. ProfilGate Aqua will also eliminate the invisible by applying sanitising fluid directly to the wheel or footwear to eliminate microbiological contamination.
Quality made in Germany |
With our individual solutions, we help our customers to minimize particle contamination in production, assembly and logistics in order to ensure technical cleanliness this way. As a component of a hygiene concept in the food industry, ProfilGate® hygienic sluices can contribute to achieve important certifications according to BRC or IFS..

Automobile producers
Automotive Suppliers
Chemical & Pharma
Electronics & Engineering
Packaging & Plastics
Aviation & Aerospace

United Arab Emirates